At John A. Steakley, P.C., we understand that hiring a law firm to meet your legal needs can be a daunting task. To choose the right firm for you, you need information about the firm and you need to meet the team. Likewise, before we accept new clients we like to meet with them to see if we are the right firm for them and if we can offer them the services they need. For these reasons, we never charge for the initial consultation with prospective clients. Visit our office, sit down with our attorneys, and tell us about you and your case. By the end of the meeting, we can give you an honest assessment about your options, including what you need, whether we can provide it, and what it is going to cost you.
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Learn More"A Lawyer's Time and Advice is His Stock and Trade."
~Abraham Lincoln
Whether at the beginning of your meeting or the end, you must eventually discuss both pricing and payment with your attorney during your free initial consultation. The amount of time, effort, skill, and experience required for your case all factor in to calculating an appropriate fee for your case. Because every case is unique, it would be impossible to quote a fee without first knowing something about your case.
It is sometimes suggested that attorneys are like parachutes, in that when you are approaching the end of your trip, it is better to have more than you need than to need more than you have. While you may not need an experienced litigator of 40 years to handle your traffic ticket at $350/hour, you also do not want a more serious case to be handled by a much less experienced attorney. This is why it is important to discuss with your attorney his/her experience, his/her rates, and whether this attorney is more or less than you think you need. To be satisfied and confident, the client needs to know they are properly "paired" with an attorney that suits their particular needs and budget.